My Vision
Some people understand concepts, others can explain and apply them. Some people are intuitive and future driven, others are intellectual and focused on the present cycle. Those that refine all of these faculties are successful leaders.
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It is my goal to help you become the most empowered version of yourself and understand what truth feels like. I focus on helping you heal your experiences through bringing in clarity, shedding light on your highest potential and supporting your path to achieving your innate greatness through mental and emotional training, intuition development, spiritual science and character development, so you may expand your consciousness, make decisions that encourage your growth, deepen your relationship with the world and have healthier, more abundant relationships and be a better employee, friend and partner.
I aim to bring a grounded, academic approach to spirituality, esoteric teachings, metaphysics and intuition development. My goal is to bring structure to this field. Intuition is your highest form of intelligence, as it your gateway into your creative and innovative abilities.
In our current cycle on Earth spirituality is not looked at from a professional viewpoint and is viewed at as airy fairy, escaping into other worlds, burning sage and performing rituals with crystals. Many people are lost in theories and have watered down the teachings of spirituality and personal development. The future of spirituality needs the scientific component too.
People are at different levels of consciousness and at various stages in their growth. When considering the behaviors- especially in the workplace- of others, we have to consider their level of consciousness and as a society take into account ways to cooperate with these differences. Your ability to build meaningful connections starts within you.
Often times many people struggle with learning from their mistakes because they do not make any shifts in their internal world. You have to shift your belief systems, values and understand your emotions to make productive and growth promoting changes.
If you’ve never experienced something before, how can you say you know how it’s going to turn out? It is far more valuable to understand how to learn from your experiences than to allow your fears and preconceived notions to hold you captive and inhibit your growth.
Wisdom is built by taking the time to reflect on your experiences and being honest and observing your behaviors, attitudes and judgements. Most people would rather allow their pride to stand in the way than acknowledging their faults and developing humility.